Sunday, July 17, 2011

Help Others Outsmart Investment Fraud

The Challenge: Fraudsters look for people like you.
According to FINRA Investor Education Foundation research, the majority of victims of fraud are financially knowledgeable, highly educated, and self-reliant.
The Solution: Spot the red flags.
Take these simple steps to arm yourself - and your friends, family and neighbors - against con-men of all stripes.

Help Others Outsmart Investment Fraud

In the mail, over the phone, or on the internet; it seems investment fraudsters are everywhere these days. You can protect yourself and others from investment fraud by planning an investor protection workshop or documentary viewing party.

How to Spot a “Free Lunch” Scam

As potential investors, you, your friends or family members may be invited to a free meal that includes a presentation on investment strategies. Be careful -- and if you go, use this kit to spot scams and protect yourself from possible fraudsters.

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